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Arthrosamid® is used in the treatment for symptomatic pain relief in knee osteoarthritis. It is a non-biodegradable polyacrylamide hydrogel that is injected into the knee joint and becomes embedded in the synovial membrane (the innermost lining of the joint cavity)thus distancing inflammatory cells and slowing inflammatory processes.
The hydrogel’s 2.5% polyacrylamide backbone provides structural stability and its non-degrading characteristics,whilst the 97.5% water allows constant exchange of organic molecules/ nutrients and tissue integration. Arthrosamid® therefore helps restores viscosity within the synovial fluid, increasing lubrication and acting as a viscosupplement cushion to improve load sharing.
Clinical trials have shown that a single treatment with Arthrosamid® can provide safe long-lasting pain relief, reduced stiffness, and improvement in the quality of life of OA. This offers significant advantages over current injection treatments and delays the need for invasive knee surgery.
How long do the effects of Arthrosamid last?
Patients can expect to see improved mobility and pain relief within 2 to 4 weeks with continued improvement between 3 – 6 months after treatment. New data shows that Arthrosamid® continued to be well-tolerated and demonstrated statistically significant effectiveness in reducing pain, at 3 years after treatment.
As Arthrosamid® is non-biodegradable and has the ability to integrate with the synovial membrane it can offer longer lasting pain relief,compared to alternative treatments for knee osteoarthritis such as hyaluronic acid and PRP.
Is it safe to have an Arthrosamid® kneejoint injection?
The overall safety profile of Arthrosamid® has been developed over the last 20 years and the intra-articular injection is considered a relatively safe and well-tolerated injectable with no reported serious side effects. Ultrasound guidance is used throughout the procedure to minimise risk.
The injection is also performed in an aseptic manner using sterile equipment. However, there is a small risk of infection(approximately 1 in 10, 000) following an injection. If you experience symptoms such as unexpected pain, warmth or redness around the area or develop a temperature, you should immediately consult your GP or attend A&E and explain that you have recently had an injection, as this could potentially be serious.
Other side effects/risks related to the procedure itself include:
Pain and swelling at the injection site
Minor bruising at site of injection
Tendon or nerve damage
No response to treatment
Worsening of symptoms
Reasons you should not have an Arthrosamid® knee joint injection
If you have an active infection including at or near the injection site.
If you have haemophilia or take an anticoagulant.
If you have had a knee arthroscopy within the past 6 months.
If you have had a hyaluronate injection recently.
If you have a foreign body in your knee.
If you are pregnant or breasftfeeding.
If you have poorly controlled diabetes, an autoimmune condition or are awaiting a major dental procedure.
Before the procedure the radiology consultant will have a discussion with you about the benefits vs risks of the injection, any contra-indications, and will then ask you to sign the informed consent form if you are happy to proceed.
How to prepare forthe procedure:
A referral from a suitably qualified specialist is required for all Arthrosamid® injections. Due to the small risk of infection prophylactic antibiotics must be taken at least 1 to 6 hours before the injection. This will be advised by your referring doctor.
Post Procedure Care
The area may start to feel uncomfortable after the local anaesthetic wears off. We advise patients to avoid any strenuous activity for a few days after the procedure.
We also advise arranging a friend or close family member to accompany you in clinic or drive you home afterwards.