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PRP stands for Platelet-Rich Plasma, blood is taken from your arm, mixed with a special suspension and put through a centrifuge for approximately 10 minutes.
The blood is separated out into red blood cells, white blood cells and platelet rich plasma (PRP). The PRP is then injected back into the joint or soft tissue needing treatment.
How does PRP work?
Growth factors and proteins in PRP promote the healing process, helping to restore tissue integrity, reduce inflammation and pain. We recommend patients to avoid taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (e.g. ibuprofen or naproxen) for 5 days before PRP therapy as it can reduce its effectiveness.
What can we use PRP to treat?
PRP is used as an alternative treatment option in patients who have not responded to conservative treatment with painkillers and physiotherapy. We can use PRP to treat the following conditions:
Skin rejuvenation - regenerative therapies
Mild to moderate osteoarthritis
Chronic tendinopathies: Tennis Elbow or Golfer’s Elbow
How many injections do you need?
This can vary according to response. It is common for patients to have a course of 3 treatments.
Reasons you should not have a PRP injection
If you have an active infection
If you feel unwell
If you have active cancer
If you have a bleeding or platelet disorder
If you are anaemic
If you are pregnant
If you are on anti-platelet medications (e.g. aspirin or clopidogrel) - the effect of PRP may be reduced.
Before the procedure the radiology consultant will have a discussion with you about the benefits vs risks of the injection, any contra-indications, and will then ask you to sign the informed consent form if you are happy to proceed.
Are there any risks/side effects with a PRP injection?
PRP is a safe and natural product for injection and can be repeated multiple times. Ultrasound guidance is used throughout the procedure to minimise risk and the injection is also performed in an aseptic manner using sterile equipment. The risks associated with any injection procedure include:
Small risk of infection (approximately 1 in 10, 000) following an injection. If you experience symptoms such as unexpected pain, warmth or redness around the area or develop a temperature, you should immediate consult your GP or attend A&E. Please explain that you have recently had an injection, as this could potentially be serious.
Small risk of worsening of symptoms
No response to treatment.
10% of patients can experience a post injection flare, most common for those having soft tissue PRP. This could last 2-7 days post-procedure and simple painkillers or an ice-pack may help.
Post Procedure Care
Initially PRP is pro-inflammatory, which triggers the healing process to start. We therefore recommend avoiding non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (e.g. ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac) for a week post-procedure.
Paracetamol and ice packs should help with the post injection flare.We advise no heavy lifting for a week and to avoid high impact activity for 2 weeks. You can however continue rehabilitation as recommended by your physiotherapist.